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What is hydrogen water ?

if you like to take care of your health, get your hydrogen water



Hydrogen water is water with large quantity of Hydrogen H2

The amount of Hydrogen depends on the type of water

Tap water does not contain any amount of Hydrogen

Alkaline water contains 0.005 -1.2ppm

GauraWalk is able to produce  0.8 -1.2ppm

why hydrogen water ?

The consumption of hydrogen water allows nano molecules of hydrogen to interact at cellular level of our body by removing selective free radicals

The benefits of hydrogen are many and has been studied since 2007 with more than 500 studies around the world

. Améliore l'hygiène   buccale

. Améliore le bien-être   général

. Antioxidant

. Anti-fatigue

. Antibacteria

. Anti-ageing

. Anti-Inflammatory

. Improve energy

. Improve performance

. Improve immune   system


hydrogen increase performance

The consumption of Hydrogen water has a positive effect against fatigue. During a physical exercise our body produces lactic acid which brings a sensation of tiredness.

Hydrogen water is able to counter and reduce these toxins and at the same time, a faster recovery.

hydrogen is a natural anti-inflammatory

The sun exposure and the toxic products that we use everyday promotes an inflammatory effect on our cells.

Hydrogen molecules help to reduce inflammation in bones and joints.

hydrogen is a natural antioxidant

It is a natural protector against oxidation for the cells, so it reduces oxidative stress for our body.

hydrogen is anti-ageing

Hydrogen molecules are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory by nature thereby it is anti-ageing.

The DNA strand is protected by Telomere to keep our chromosomes safe. Hydrogen molecules with their nano size are able to help Telomerases to increase their size. The consequences of this, results in the increase of the lifetime of our cells.

The negative effects of UV rays from the sun on our skin can be countered by Hydrogen.

hydrogen increase immune system

The Gut is a key player in our health.

Hydrogen increases the production of hormones which help our body to counter infections by  reducing infections in our Gut.

scientific researches
hydrogen is anti-fatigue, especially with lack of sleep

The lack of sleep is an issue in our modern societies.

The nano size of hydrogen molecules are able to reach membrane cells in our body which can help to counter the consequences in lack of sleep.

A long night journey on flight is typically an example of the effects of tiredness.

Only Hydrogen molecules by their nano size are able to obtain this result.

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