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The air purifier inspired by photosynthesis $sgd


Ecoheal, photosynthetic e-tree


a high end innovative air purifier without filter which combine ionizer and sterelizer to breathe clean air at home or in the office.

A three in one air purifier

Ecoheal is inspired by the natural process of photosynthesis of plants by the technologie of Photohydroionization, PHI. A high quality of oxygen is produced with light, water and oxygen which is the most efficient and natural air purification process.

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Active air purification with no dead spot

3 Main benefits of an Air Purifier

. Eliminates odours

  Eliminates odours from second- and third-degree cigarettes

Prevents the spread of airborne pathogens

   Suppresses bacteria, viruses and formaldehyde inside rooms of a   home or office

. Purifies air

  Removes PM 0.01 airborne particles that prevent them from breathing and removes PM 2.5 from microorganisms on the surface of food

According to the International Department of Health Research, more than 50% of indoor air exceeds the PM 2.5 limit of particles in the air and 90% of PM 0.1 of particles, i.e., nano size is higher than outdoor air such as toluenes, formaldehydes, viruses and bacteria.

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Post-renovation  fume and  odour

Paint    odour


Odour  from  food   scraps

Kitchen   smells

Smelly   sweat

technological innovation

ecoheal, Second generation purifier by its technology


Do Air Purifier work ? Explanations and Benefits.

Ecoheal's performance goes well beyond ordinary filtered purifiers, it provides a 99.99% sterilization rate to prevent cross-infection and eliminates 99% of bacteria in 7 days.

Dust Mites      pm 2,5                                                                                       Micro-organisms                   Bactéria                                   Viruses               VOC, Formaldehyde, Toluene

3,0                                         2,0                                    1,0                                0,5                                   0,3                               0,1                               0,01                                      0,001

Air Purifier with filter


Active Filtration


No dead spot


Pm2,5, TVOC, Bactéria, Toluene, Formaldehydes


Decibels : 37 dB


Consumption : -10W


Maintenance: None, no filter to change, last for 25,000 hours

Air purifier with filter

Passive filtration


Affected by placement


PM2,5, some bacteria


Noise level : 50 dB and above


Comsumption : 70 W and above


Maintenance : Cleaning of filter and filter replacement every 3-6 months

An air purifier that combines an ionizer in the photosynthesis process to provide you with clean, fresh and sterilized air.


Ecoheal uses two processes PSN (photosynthesis) and PHI in your home or office.


PSN is a process using photons to convert water molecules (H2O) that creates energy to neutralize bacteria and viruses, it is a continuous process when the air is charged by light to a certain spectrum.


PHI is a process that converts water molecules (H2O) into ionized hydrogen peroxide molecules (H2O2) which is a very powerful disinfectant used by doctors.

The reaction between bacteria and (H2O2) generates water (H2O) and oxygen that provides you with clean air.


EcoHeal is able to reproduce this using the photocatalysis process.

PHI technology is certified by the US CDC as class 4 for the disease level, used by the White House in Washington and the US military.


The concentration of (H2O) produced by Ecoheal is between 0.01 and 0.02 ppm, equivalent to a natural environment.


PSN/PHI cleaning agents are able to break down formaldehyde and other chemical molecules by destroying the cell membranes of airborne particles.

Ecoheal is able to neutralize suspended particles less than 2.5 microns in size, unlike conventional air purifiers. The process allows the particle size to be increased to be neutralized by the PSN/PHI.




. PHI is a process including hydrogen, peroxide ions, hydroxylions, superoxide ions and pure negative ions produced under the action of a wide spectrum of ultraviolet and different metallic catalysts.


. Through air circulation, IHP and contaminants are actively combined to produce clean air like in a forest.


. PHI technology certified class 4 as antbacterial by the US CDC used at the White House, Homeland Security bureau, Hilton, Saint Regis and Sheraton hotel in Beijing, the southwestern medical center in Texas.

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